"I was truly blessed by Empower Her Conference 2021. I felt God move from beginning to end. My life was touched by God during those two days, bonds were broken and I was changed! Friends were made and lives were changed! A Shift truly occurred in my spirit and I am forever thankful! Looking forward to the next Empower her conference!"

Carrie Ann Salvarezza

"At the last Empower Her I was completely touched by everyone. I came from Easton P.A. With no way to get home I met a sister at the Conference named Nereida with the funds no and 5 children the Lord you used this amazing sister too bless me without knowing I didn't have no money to driving back Pennsylvania. What she did is how I made it home GOD knew that GOD was watching over us and that it was meant for us to make it to that Empower Her Conference The Shift."

Shaonita Merced

"Empower H.E.R changed my life in an amazing way . It opened the doors for me to be able to sing , lay hands on people to pray over them , and make new relationships with amazing women of God. What is empower ? To make (someone) stronger and more confident, especially in controlling their life and claiming their rights. Well this was a movement where I was definitely empowered , uplifted and filled the supernatural power of the Holy Ghost. I want to thank Pastor Elizabeth for allowing me to be part of this beautiful experience and I encourage all ladies from all over to come , and be part of this supernatural experience and get filled with the word that God has for you for your life . I found what I was looking for , Amen" 

Nereida Rodriguez

"I have to go back to our first encounter, how the evaluation of it all began. 

For years I have struggled with self love, shame and regret for hurting those who looked up to me or loved me. When I least loved myself, I knew it was the enemy playing within my head. What God placed inside of my heart after my daughter Evelyn died no man could take away the pain I felt. Yet I kept thinking otherwise. 

When you announced the empower her conference. I remember asking God to please show me something. When I first arrived your niece was at the door with these small charms that had a word, I received two and immediately I knew God was with me, I felt so helpless inside, torn and hated living anymore. I remember just sitting down and wanting to also leave. Two young ladies behind me where praying and immediately I felt the presence of God and felt moved to bless them with a T-shirt. It was for them to know that the encounter was going to empower them beyond measure. They where so excited that one girl cried.

I stood through the whole service and after Pastor Rodriguez finished ministering. I went up for prayer. She began to feel my pain and said how intense the sadness was and how she could feel it. I cried because I am not one to really be around many or talk about my pain. I felt this heat come over me. Thought at first it was my blood pressure but it was like God was burning out all of the generational curses spoken upon my family and me. Your ministry has impacted so many and God has brought you to the for front to be a vessel to help the broken"

Leilani Figueroa

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